Epiphany is a celebration that commemorates the Magi or the wise men bringing their gifts to baby Jesus. It is celebrated on the 6th of January, which is 12 days after Christmas. In the orthodox churches, Epiphany is a big celebration. In Spain, children believe that the three wise men bring them gifts and that too on the 6th of January and not on the 25th December. Thanks to Madam Dale, we had a taste ( a literal one) of how Epiphany is celebrated in France and Spain. In France, a special almond pastry cake called “La galette de rois” or the “King’s cake” is baked and hidden inside is a porcelain or earthenware figurine (a charm, called “la fêve” in French) or a broad bean. Whoever finds the bean or figurine whilst eating the cake, gets to be King or Queen for the day.
In Spain, there is a similar cake and it’s called “Los Reyes Magos”. Epiphany is a tremendous celebration in Greece as well and men and boys dive into the river or lake to retrieve a cross that’s thrown into the waters by the priest in order to make the water holy. Whoever finds the cross is said to be set off with blessings for the new year ahead.
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