Globe Guardian
‘The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.’ Genesis 2:15
The earth is a gift, a home that we share with the rest of creation. But with this gift comes responsibility. We are all stewards on the earth and here to look after it; to care for, manage, oversee and protect all that God owns. What an honour and privilege! So what can we do to help look after this precious planet?
The Globe Guardian challenge aims to raise awareness for the need to care for the planet and to promote some of the changes and actions we can make to play our part. It helps us to lead the way and be ‘agents of positive change’ in our world. The challenge is split into 4 categories.
Welton St Mary’s pupils (with the help of their families) have been invited to complete the Bronze challenge. It requires 20 points to be earned. Children need to have completed all of the first 15 tasks. The remaining 5 points can be gained by completing 5 further tasks, either repeating one of the 15 tasks (and double ticking it) or by thinking of their own ‘wild card’ activities, which must fall into one of the four categories.
‘Together we are encouraged to be agents of positive change in this world.’
(taken from Welton St Mary’s Church of England Primary Academy’s school vision)
task card globe guardian challenge letter
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