There are many opportunities for engagement in a wide range of sports at Welton St. Mary’s. As part of the PE curriculum children take part in games, multiskills, swimming, gymnastics, dance and outdoor adventurous activities. These are led by both class teachers and our PE provider Premier Education.
Premier Education also provide us with PE WOW days that enable us to try new and inclusive sports such as archery, goal ball and new age kurling.
There are also many extra-curricular activities available including cross country, football, netball and golf.
To view our most recent sporting events both in and out of school please click on the padlet button below.
Sports in school
Competitions September 2022 to July 2023
Inter-School’s Archery Competition by Isla-Mae and Phoebe
On Wednesday 15th November, Year Three took part in an archery competition. The competition took place in the school hall and was organised by Mr. Heap from Premier Sports. Other schools across Lincoln will also be visited by Premier Sports and take part in the competition. On the day, we began by learning how to hold the bow and arrow accurately. We then took turns to have a go at aiming our arrows at a target. This was great fun! After we had developed our skills, we then had three chances to hit the target, with our scores being added together to form a total. Once every school involved has competed in the competition, we will get to hear where we have been placed. All in all, we had a fantastic morning and can’t wait to hear the results!
Competitions September 2022 to July 2023
This year we have entered a few competitions run by Premier Education. This has given the children an opportunity to compete against other schools in a competitive situation. The children thoroughly enjoyed the events and many of the teams had high finishes and at least one team out of the ones entered received a medal.
Term 2
Year 4 Multi Sports Carousel 2nd December – Bishop Grosseteste University – Two teams attended and we came 2nd getting a silver medal
Term 3
Year 3 Multi Sports Carousel 27th January – Bishop Grosseteste University – Two teams attended and we came first and second getting gold and silver medals.
Term 4
Year 2 Multi Skills Carousel 3rd March – One NK North Kesteven Leisure Centre – Two teams attended and one team won receiving a gold medal.
Term 5
Year 1 Multi Skills Carousel 19th May – Bishop Grosseteste University – Three teams attended and one team came third receiving a bronze medal
Term 6
Year 5/6 Rounders – 7th July. Bishop Grosseteste University. Three teams attended. They were placed into groups of 4 teams competing against other schools. Two teams came third and one team one team won their group and the whole tournament. All of those morning sessions paid off!
Year 5/6 Netball Tournament – Tuesday 20th July. 6 teams took part in a Netball tournament hosted at our school. We competed against 2 teams from Ellison Boulters and 2 teams from Dunholme. Every match was played in great spirits and the children thoroughly enjoyed the rapidness of the games. Each school played really well and the children got more confident as the matches progressed. It was great to see so many children actively engaged in competitive sport and playing against their peers. Thank you to William Farr who provided us with 2 umpires for the matches.
We hope to compete in the Autumn term again and build on these successes and local links.
Other competitive matches This year we have also seen our Football and Netball teams undertake a few friendly matches with our local schools. On Tuesday 11th October we played against Dunholme winning the match and then on Tuesday 18th October our second team played them again and beat them. On Tuesday 2nd May we played against Ellison Boulters and lost the match then we went again on Monday 15th May and lost again. The boys and girls showed great sportsmanship within both of the matches. On Monday 20th March we hosted two matches with Dunholme for Netball. Both teams played really well and it was a tight win against one team and a tight loss against the other. Both matches were played in great spirit and we have arranged more matches with them in term 6. We have also organised a match with Ellison Boulters in term 6 and we are hoping to organise a mini tournament at our local secondary school.
Throughout term 4 we competed every week with 25 other schools in Lincolnshire schools cross country competition. As a school we hosted and organised 2 events at our local University. Each week 6 boys and girls from Year 5 and 6 competed. On Thursday 27th April we took 24 children from years 3-6 to compete in a ‘fun’ cross country event. In liaison with Ellison Boulters school we are planning some cricket and rounders fun matches in term 6. Hopefully, our field will be ready to host these.
Mrs Howarth
PE lead