What we want our school to be known for
- Building active, responsible and respectful citizens that play a valued and positive role within and beyond their school community.
- Providing a curriculum that delivers high quality education, preparing children for the real world, regardless of individual background, experience and ability
In order for us to realise what we want our school to be known for our ‘goals’ will be to;
- Create and communicate a clear aspiration for our school community
- Actively promote and life out our Christian values enacted through our curriculum and school culture
- Create education for wisdom, knowledge and skills
- Develop citizens that feel accepted, loved and affirmed through understanding their worth and potential.
In order to realise our goals our ‘Pupils’ need to;
- Be actively encouraged and supported in discovering their unique talents
- Be able to thrive regardless of their differing needs
- Develop spiritual and emotional resilience
In order to realise our goals our ‘Staff’ need to
- Have knowledge of best practice and shares ideas within communities
- Actively further the aspiration of pupils
- Model love, compassion and mutual respect across our community
- Celebrate individual differences across our school
In order to realise our goals our ‘School’ needs to;
- Ensure it is a neighbour within our community
- Confidently articulate, live out and promote our Christian vision
- Set a positive and respectful school culture that holds high standards and expectations
- Be an open and welcoming community that support learning and well-being
In order to realise our goals our ‘Head Teacher’ needs to;
- Effectively develop and manage staff through distributed leadership and delegation (succession planning)
- Be well informed on best practice and openly share ideas with staff
- Recruit and deploy all resources effectively
- Aim to buoy staff up and maintain a positive working attitude
- Develop in partnership governor a clearly communicated vision to the School
In order to realise our goals our ‘Clergy’ need to;
- Be of high quality and enrich the community of the school
- Develop effective collective workshop in partnership with our school community
- Actively promote opportunities for our community to live out their Christian values beyond the school
In order to realise our goals our ‘Governors’ need to;
- Set a clear strategic vision built on Christian foundations
- Strategically and effectively use all the School’s resources
- Value radical questioning and daring exploration
- Consider the ethical (and moral) implications of policies
- Set and monitor challenging and measurable targets for key aspects of the school